Three cheers for....

Three cheers for....

About Me...

I'm an ex-Capt. (NDA-IMA)...left the army because of an accident (lost right shoulder and of course, the rest of it) hold of life...became a leftie...started driving and writing with left...took CAT & GMAT...joined and left ISB after 20 golden days...joined IIM Ahmedabad from there...PGP 2007 - 2009...currently in Hyderabad... Well, Life is iffy !!

So, I'll make it easy...

You can drop a note to:

Personal Website

Story in a short video

Quotes I live by...

  • Stretch out your limits once a while...lest you lose your elasticity... (recent offhand thought)
  • It's better to burn out, than fade away (Neil Young)
  • This too shall pass...
  • Shit happens...Life Goes on... (adapted from Forrest Gump)
  • Don't be sad, it's glad, it happened !!
  • He Knows not his own strength, who hath not met adversity - Ben Johnson
  • Do whteva you want...Don't get caught !! (NDA)
  • Rules are like rulers...some can be bent, others can be broken :)

Thursday, May 3, 2007


Made the most momentous decision of my life today...A very brittle one!!
Going to spend the next two years at IIM'Ahmedabad...

After coming to ISB, I was in love with it...the campus...infra...the batchmates...Loved 'em all...
But thanks to the guidance of the same batchmates, few army officers--alumni of both ISB as well as IIM'A, the faculty here who was honest with their viewpoint.....took a holistic view and zeroed on to a decision after 4 sleepless nights with the head going topsy-turvy with thoughts galore!!

Lot many guys want to know why I made the choice...I must say, my decision was case-specific...Had I been in someone elses shoes, I might've stuck to goes::::

1. I might have had a spiffing experience with the seven odd years with NDA, IMA, service in the army, etc. But I still don't have the 'buy-sell' attitude (Getting me, right??)...need some time...
2. The faculty at ISB was too good...stupendous!!, but they obviously taught with the presumption tht guyz knew wht they were talking abt, which they did...thtz where I'd missed out with no indstry exposure whatsoeva....
3. Two years at IIM'A vis-a-vis one year of squeezed-in-course here will help me in building a strong foundation for the (supposedly) long life ahead...
4. Since the Asso Dean himself agreed with my decision and the school was returning 50% of the unspent fees, it made sense. As it is, as per economics..."Sunk cost should not be considered while making a rational decision" {Learnt in the first class :) }.
5. It was something like spending three years at NDA vis-a-vis spending one n a half at IMA (Army offrs would understand the diff). Though in this case, ISB was at par with IIM'A.

Will always remember the time spent at ISB and the friends made here...for life!!

Class of 2008 rocks!!
ISB rocks!!

IIM'A Class of 2009 here I come.....


Anonymous said...

But I hope you realize that you won't be spoon-fed in IIM-A either. You'll have to slog your a** equally hard here. All the best to your stint in IIM-A now. Keep writing and stay active in too. :)

AGRINEER said...

hey bro good atleast u came down to one decision...coz the situation u were in i can understand...this dilemma kinds are really sucking...anyways best of luck for the IIMS ..u deserved the best and got the best....;)

Rajat said...

Thanx @Kirti and @Agri!!

@Kirti, Spoonfed?? No ofcourse not, just go thru the sine curve of my life ya!!:),you'll know why I joined the NDA and not other academies...I know It'll be in fact harder at IIM'A...But that's the way it'll be...
Thanks Anywayz...
And PG rules!!

@Agri...It was very tough yaar, I spent quite some time on thte decision...gonna stick to it.

Anonymous said...

Best of luck Rajat.

Hope you do well...


Sundeep Tibrewal

Me, myself and Sumant. said...

Can't wait to touch base with you at IIM-A. Reading thru ur blog, I have already learnt so much. Looking fwd to meeting u there..

Kau said...

Hi Rajat ! .. I think you made a smart brave decision ! I wish you the very very best ! Here is my blog ..
ISB Class of 2008

Unknown said...

hii..just happen to bump into ur profile by mistake and then into ur blog..u r truly inspiring man..hats off to u..:)
neways all the best for ur two years in IIM sure u goin to come out wid flying colours frm there as well:)
take care buddyyy!!!

Rajat said...

Thanks Sundeep...
Thanks Sumant, lookin fwd to meetiing u...
Thnkx Kaumudi..missing you all
Thanks Madhushree for those kind words!!

Ciao everybody...

Nikunj Parekh said...

hey rajat..

jus came across your blog.. and hats off to your decision and your courage... i hope you go a long way in life... best of luck for the 2 years ahead !!...

Will keep passing by to check on ur career !!



Rajat said...

Hi Nikunj,

Thanx a lot for those words n I sure do hope,next time I have somethin even better...

ATB for whtever u have ur heart into!!

ciao buddy

Raghav said...

Wow..insipring..awesome! ATB!

Raghav said...

Wow..insipring..awesome! ATB!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rajat ! Really awe inspiring perseverance and a motivating one too ! Am thinking of sitting for CAT 2007 and my condition too would be like your JLT as I decided too late for this ! Give me some miraculous tips to be able to crack it and meet you at IIM'A next session. Can write to me at too if you do have some spare time ! ATB and take care !

Ankur said...

Inspiring, just read your post. My good wishes as well.

Rajat said...

@Aragorn: Thanks a lot n wishing you ATB....

Anonymous said...

Hi Rajat ,

I was browsing for comparison between IIMA vs ISB and came across your profile,read your story.
You really are a tough guy mentally.

You are an inspiration too


Rajat said...

Thanks a lot Vaibhav !