Three cheers for....

Three cheers for....

About Me...

I'm an ex-Capt. (NDA-IMA)...left the army because of an accident (lost right shoulder and of course, the rest of it) hold of life...became a leftie...started driving and writing with left...took CAT & GMAT...joined and left ISB after 20 golden days...joined IIM Ahmedabad from there...PGP 2007 - 2009...currently in Hyderabad... Well, Life is iffy !!

So, I'll make it easy...

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Personal Website

Story in a short video

Quotes I live by...

  • Stretch out your limits once a while...lest you lose your elasticity... (recent offhand thought)
  • It's better to burn out, than fade away (Neil Young)
  • This too shall pass...
  • Shit happens...Life Goes on... (adapted from Forrest Gump)
  • Don't be sad, it's glad, it happened !!
  • He Knows not his own strength, who hath not met adversity - Ben Johnson
  • Do whteva you want...Don't get caught !! (NDA)
  • Rules are like rulers...some can be bent, others can be broken :)

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Life @ NDA

There is so much to write, but again so much which has to be censored by me myself, lest youngsters get intimidated by d hard work involved…Newayz, letz see wht comes up in black and white.

> Its an odd feeling…now that I reminisce over the ostensibly “hard-to-get-over” 3 years at NDA. Such a big transformation- in personality, thinking, physical structure, attitude towards life, et al.
> Each of those 6 terms came with new privileges (within the squadron), new opportunities, new competitions, new headaches!!, new responsibilities and of course “added respect”. To help cadets out, there r various kinds of “Pal-funda”… “name-type pals”, “place-type pals”, “b’day type”,”face type”, “school type”…u name a common factor n approach a senior to take “Lift” veneva ure facing predicaments n embattled times.
> The first day of the first term was very iffy…had no idea what I was stepping into...Joined the Foxtrot Squadron. Within 24hours life was in a spin wherein the spinning wheel had no friction…whatsoever...The first phase consists of breaking the inherent ego tht is in d minds of guyz coming from Class XII, best part….it is not done by slapping or even man-handling for tht matter…a few cream-rolls here (read rolling on undulating ground), a few back rolls there n u come to ground level…you “unlearn” everything tht you have brought to the academy, ready to become an Officer brimming with qualities 2 b among the top-notch in whteva field one is in.

> There was so much to do- PT, running, breakfast (an event per se), classes, lunch (again an event per se), clubs, games, “moving in” (i.e. doing zillions of push-up to enter the squadron…) after the games, study period, dinner, and post dinner activities J. Thanks-fully wearing a wrist-watch was a sixth term privilege…used to just wait n wait n wait for time to pass by…no dearth in activities- riding, polo, swimming, mountain climbing, water skiing, golf, photography, firing et al.

> For all the terms, everyday was a new day, it was like somehow doing all the activities and making it to your bed safe n sound at night. Going from squadron for breakfast, breakfast to classes, going from one LH(lecture hall) to another, classes to lunch…n onwards, without getting caught by appointments, lifting up your bikes, running around poles, et al ; was a big deal!!
> The camps were tough, made us tougher- mentally n physically. It imbibed us the spirit of “ Never give up” and “Therez no limit to human endurance…none at all !!”.

> Check out some of our photos from