While doing probabilities in the Quantitative methods subject here, came across a realization which I could prove using conditional probability. In life (in general) and in all our relationships, be it between siblings, friends, peers, lovers, relatives or anybody; expectation from the other person plays a big role, which at times becomes the cause of disappointment. You go-do something out-of-the-way for a close friend, when time comes he/she doesn’t reciprocate, you feel bad…..You have feelings for someone and show it, doesn’t get reciprocated, you feel bad….you work hard for an assignment and expect cooperation from your peers….don’t get it… don’t get a good result either, feel bad….You help out a stranger in a difficult situation and when you need help from another stranger in another situation, no one comes forward---feel bad….
My point is, we should NOT...NEVER EXPECT. Sometimes you help someone and expect at least a courtesy 'thanks'…when you don’t get that (maybe because the person forgot or not used to saying it), you feel bad….don’t do so…welcome it but don’t expect a ‘Thanks’....it shouldn't matter. You love your GF (/BF) unconditionally with all your heart and expect the same from her (/him), many a times that doesn’t happen….don’t do that you’re the one who’s getting hurt. Herez my calculation that by assigning more weightage to "Not expecting" from other ppl, you improve your “Happy:Unhappy” (probability)ratio from 1:1 to 2:1 (Click the diagram on top left for proof). Life is very small and Life is very iffy, as I keep saying.... doesn’t make sense in feeling bad n waste even a second in doing so when you can avoid it. So people, stay happy-be wise-do what you are doing-but do NOT expect...be indifferent...
ciao life...