Well Well Well !!
24 hours of fame galore!!
Another bout of Intangible happiness!!
There were some discrepancies in what I said and what actually came out in black and white. But, that’s okay…Small things in life…hardly matter!!
It was a great feeling…getting messages/scraps/mails from people I’d never known before...
It's interesting in one way, I can not afford to be pessimistic anymore...Lolzzz...though there's never a reason why I would ever have...That's my take on life!! I choose to live life as it comes...Just as we all should!!
This is the article:
Another snap of d paper:
My Pagalguys commenting on the article…
Ciao ppl
Ciao Life!!
Well done Champ.... nice to see you in TOI...
hmm a doubt Capt.( I prefer not writing the full word as i always screw it up).."By the end of the day, I came to know that it also came out in the national edition..."....
By the end of the day [:O] I thought you knew it in the afternoon itself...
....some discrepancies in what I said and what actually came out in black and white....
Kindly Elaborate....
Nope...I knew in d morng tht it came in d Ahmdbd edition, then at night ven I came 2 Orkut, my friends at Mumbai gave me d link of d national one...there were discrepancies in tht and I've written to the editor...esp the "D" word...
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