Three cheers for....

Three cheers for....

About Me...

I'm an ex-Capt. (NDA-IMA)...left the army because of an accident (lost right shoulder and of course, the rest of it) hold of life...became a leftie...started driving and writing with left...took CAT & GMAT...joined and left ISB after 20 golden days...joined IIM Ahmedabad from there...PGP 2007 - 2009...currently in Hyderabad... Well, Life is iffy !!

So, I'll make it easy...

You can drop a note to:

Personal Website

Story in a short video

Quotes I live by...

  • Stretch out your limits once a while...lest you lose your elasticity... (recent offhand thought)
  • It's better to burn out, than fade away (Neil Young)
  • This too shall pass...
  • Shit happens...Life Goes on... (adapted from Forrest Gump)
  • Don't be sad, it's glad, it happened !!
  • He Knows not his own strength, who hath not met adversity - Ben Johnson
  • Do whteva you want...Don't get caught !! (NDA)
  • Rules are like rulers...some can be bent, others can be broken :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Two cents dedicated to 'Dear Life'

Dear ‘Life’,

You took me up, you brought me down,
When the ship broke up, you said- “Don’t drown”.

I carried on, I swam along,
Evinced tenacity, made up an imbuing song.

I won’t give up ‘Life’, I won’t let go,
You taught me so, and for that, I do bow.

You may again raze my ship ‘Life’, or becloud every dawn,
All I would say is- “Shit happens and Life goes on”.

Yours truly

{My suppposedly first composition!!}


Anonymous said...

wow awesome... you have summarised life in a few lines...

Anonymous said...

and summarised it so neatly and truely...

AGRINEER said...

gr8 composition...Aashiq ho ure life ke...;)

bhakti said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

hey thats d most accurate description of how life is and wat our attitude shud be to it..salute u for d way u are,someday wish to be marginally close to wat u r :)

Rajat said...

Thanks @B, @Agri...,
for those words ppl!!
Thanx a lot!!

P said...

Very well written!

Rajat said...

Thanx a lot, Priya!!

Anonymous said...

"Sh*t happens ....LIFE goes on"..well said and how truly stated..Once you realise this....every hurdle seems so trivial!!
