Three cheers for....

Three cheers for....

About Me...

I'm an ex-Capt. (NDA-IMA)...left the army because of an accident (lost right shoulder and of course, the rest of it) hold of life...became a leftie...started driving and writing with left...took CAT & GMAT...joined and left ISB after 20 golden days...joined IIM Ahmedabad from there...PGP 2007 - 2009...currently in Hyderabad... Well, Life is iffy !!

So, I'll make it easy...

You can drop a note to:

Personal Website

Story in a short video

Quotes I live by...

  • Stretch out your limits once a while...lest you lose your elasticity... (recent offhand thought)
  • It's better to burn out, than fade away (Neil Young)
  • This too shall pass...
  • Shit happens...Life Goes on... (adapted from Forrest Gump)
  • Don't be sad, it's glad, it happened !!
  • He Knows not his own strength, who hath not met adversity - Ben Johnson
  • Do whteva you want...Don't get caught !! (NDA)
  • Rules are like rulers...some can be bent, others can be broken :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Confounding thoughts...galore

This transition phase…gap between ISB n joining IIM’A is a tad difficult to handle. I thought I had already “Forgotten and Forgiven”, but it seems it isn’t so. ISB had made sure tht I didn’t get much time 2 think about her. But now I have a plethora of that, at least till 25th. I have definitely not forgotten the infidelity part.

Then the mind wanders to the land of “What if...”, We could have been so happy together, celebrating my success…planning for the marriage....It was supposed to be just like a run of the mill love story- “problems initially…villain comes in…love takes stand, problems taken care of…get married…The end”

Then the wonky heart says, never mind….talk to her, at least maintain the friendship…But the mind vetoes the statement…
Friendship---> Love, Okay!!
Love---> Friendship, NO, Never!!
I had said earlier, “Better to have loved and lost, then never to have loved ever”, but I have my reservations now. I wonder if the feeling of ‘treachery’ from someone you were in love with was worth, the feeling of ‘being loved’ by the same person.
{I think it's okay to crib...once in a while!!}
Relating to the characters from “F.R.I.E.N.D.S."... I was like ‘Ross’, trying to make his relationships work anyhow (wudn’t have got divorced thrice for tht though!!),
But now I want to be like ‘Joey’, emotionally non-attached…totally… But of course this is not reel-life. Maybe it was better to have..., Maybe not!!

Hoping never to come back to this issue again...Going to make some use of this second life now…gonna work my fingers to the bone 4 the next two years at Ahmedabad…but also, gonna enjoy every moment…Not just ‘Exist’, but ‘Live Life 2 the fullest’…

‘Life’, I’ll be living thou…


Anonymous said...

If you could forger her so easily then I dont think it was love.. Forgetting her is hard. In fact saying that you have forgotten her is lying to yourself.. let us not lie. Let us admit that it has happened. .. It happened and happened for the good. I am sure you have grown as a person... she has taught you to love.. she has given you those rare moments which no one till date has been able to give you.. respect her for it. ..
it is better to have loved and lost than to have not loved at all... come on.. you know what it is to be loved... think of the golden memories of love you had.. at times these small memories of love is enough to keep life going... be grateful to her as she has given you those memories... you have something to cherish... you have a few good memories and a few bad memories.. remember a bed of roses has thorns in it as well...

and dont lose hope... you will surely have someone who will love you unconditionally for what you are.. you just have to wait for her...God Bless you and may you get the strength to go through what you are going through now...

Your well wisher...

Anonymous said...

{I think it's okay to crib...once in a while!!}
Definately it is... feeling bad, low, cribbing, et al is a part of life.. let us not run from it...
This will not last long with such high intensity as time is the best healer....

I am going through the same shit, but as you say life goes on...

Rajat said...

Well, I guess you are right. Thanks 4 those words, n I guess, I'll fall back to the words by Alfred Tennyson-"Better to..."

Newayz, enough of this... I'll mk sure tht I never give life another opportunity 2 lemme face trachery...

ciao life!!

Anonymous said...

yes it is me.. you guessed it right...

Anonymous said...

Don't take it to heart dude. The way you hav and are taken life is inspiring enough for many of my friends here. You have a beautiful life ahead...
Wish you r luck!!


Partha said...

Touching Post! I can understand your situation since I have also been through a similar situation. I would like to say only one thing: Time heals everything. Just give yourself sometime and start loving smaller things in life...

I know you have been through this and I am more than 100% sure, you will come up with flying colors to inspire people like me forever!!!


Buddha Jyoti said...

sirzee ram ram!!!
like you inside out...and you atill gonna be amongst few ppl in life whom i have met and whom i would like to copy...may i have the copy rights...
really sir you get yourself moving and yes in a way many ppl who just listen to you like me and others...
thank you sir for the whole lotta courage that you have given...
many other silent ppl like me also see at you and yes dump their things aside and start being may not recall all but every one recalls you.

Rajat said...

@Partha, thanks for those words buddy...Yes, Life goes on...

@buddhajyoti kar...
this ain't not fair :) you didn't give ne hint of who it was...,i'll find out who it is...first hint...I've met you, okay...gimme 24hrs....

ciao everybody!! n God Bless

Anonymous said...

Relationships are complicated. Sometimes its not u being unfaithful or u r partner being unfaithful. "Love was unfaithful" so u split ways.
I read somewhere that, "God takes away something important from u r hand in a jiffy so when he gives u something priceless u r hand is free"

Unknown said...

wow... really well said..

we can say that we need a ray of hope... it is hope that keeps us alive... so if we are losing something today i guess we must hope that something better is going to come our way tomorrow

Rajat said...

@Anonymus...Very well said, thanks a lot 4 those words...!!
@Suchi, yup thtz right!!
looking at life with rose coloured spectacles!!

ciao @all

Kau said...

Rajat - I know exactly what you are talking about. Sometimes when relationships end - The "Dream" of a relationship does not .. but trust me .. not getting what you want ..can sometimes be the best thing to happen to you. Ofcourse - the sucky part is that we dont find out until much later in the game - But meanwhile .. Time will outweigh this moment. Trust you are well and having a good time before hitting the books again !
We had our first mid term today- bet you arent missing ISB now !
until next time

Rajat said...

Wht a pleasant surprise!!Guess you are right…it just doesn’t feel tht way right now tht this is what was best for me…Ofcourse…will just wait n see wht happens in the next episode!!
Well when I came to know about d mid-term fever, I was glad I wuzn’t there…but tht was only 4 d day….
Missing the class of 2008!!

AGRINEER said...

bauht logo ne bahut kuch kaha ,mein bhi kaafi bakwas karunga...but all that matters is u u and U boss i told u mi story there is nothing like remembering and stuff ...i can assure u if u find a gal of ur expectations u will not forget her but u will love this new gal more than her...and i tell u ,this will also help to be a philosopher indeed...but i dnt know how come Indian army soldiers cant revolt against parents...but not to get u personal ...always remember this will take u miles away in life...sala pyaar sab sikha deta hia guru....bus give it few shots and u will love life mmore than u ever did....

Rajat said...

Yup buddy...neway, itz like tht movie now...No time for love :) now, lotso other things 2 do in life....